Posted in Deep(er) Thoughts, Life

Oh, ye ends of the Earth…

Good day to thee all!! How are my fellow Earthlings weathering this media storm??? Seriously, I Pray all are well, and those who have contracted this flu-like virus named “Covid-19”, a speedy and full recovery! It is tragic, that there are those among us whose immune systems cannot handle the strains and stresses of the flu, as is always the case. Every year, and change of season. Even more tragic, that an inept, would-be dictator, who continues to assume the throne of these United States, has so egregiously performed his duties, fulfilling 0% of the responsibility(ies) required of his post and station.
To they, all those who have been so grossly misrepresented, and mistreated as human beings, with undeniable rights to Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness! To them (to us all, in case you missed that), and their Kindred and Friends, my condolences and sincere wishes (and Prayers!) that we may all someday soon see a return to “normal”, wherever in the world you may be. For not one of us Living Human Souls, has gone unaffected by our -collective- current circumstances!
For all who have recently suffered the loss of a Loved one, I understand it is always a difficult time, and my wish(es) and Prayer(s) is that a comfortable “normality” may return to your lives, as their physical absence becomes slowly familiar enough that you (we) may carry on, cherishing the memories of those left behind, instead of the mourning we at first endure.

There is bitter irony in the saying/fact that, “We don’t know what we’ve got, ’til it’s gone.” That being (the irony, that is), that it/they are not “fully” appreciated until we no longer have them! How sad, that in the moment, we don’t realize the value possessed!
I know of no one (myself included) who has not, at some point (or many), experienced the Truth of this. Loss of a car, a house… more importantly that of a Friend, Kin, and/or Loved One, these events tend to bring to the forefront of our minds just how much a part of our lives they are! And not just the big things, but the little things as well! …If not more so.
Rarely do we understand/appreciate just how much said person/object means to us, or the smooth/continued function(s) [they] bring to our lives, until it is too late. And then the loss is all to clear! The ramifications, suddenly, abundantly, clear. Then does the real value become painfully, highly polished, crystal, clear.
So too of our Freedom(s)!! A wise man once said, They who can give up essential Liberty to obtain a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety. How much more liberty are we willing to give up? …How much more do we really have left to lose?

No matter your geographic location, we are all Human, and as such; “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all [wo]/men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.” {-Preamble to the Declaration of Independence}
There is not one Human-being on Terra that this does not apply to. So why are only the 1%ers achieving this? Simple. They’re afraid that if they share, they won’t be able to enjoy the same level of “luxury” they inherited. The irony is, that there would be greater abundance, not less, if we all enjoyed such high standards of living. Such is the inherent flaw of narrow, short-sided, short-term thinking.
But, then, if they actually poked their heads out of their tiny boxes, they might see the world around them! The wonder, the majesty of a Divine Gift we’ve all been given… the Gift of Life!!!

That’s right! Ladies, Gentlemen, the cat’s out of the bag!! You’re ALIVE!!! And guess what!? There’s more! You… have… the… right… to… choose… how… you… Live… that… Life!!! THAT is an “inalienable” Right!! But WAIT!!!! There’s more!
We can ALL do so, Peaceably, Cooperatively, Interdependently, in Harmony and in Unison with EVERY OTHER LIFE FORM on the Planet! Hard to believe, I know. Because “they” have been telling you otherwise for milennia. But think about it! What’s stopping us?? All 7 (I’ve recently hear 8) + billion of us, are capable of Living, together, upon this abundant, verdant Earth we call home! Don’t believe me? Ask yourselves this; Why not???
For what reason (other than greed, or any other self-serving “sin”), what valid reason is there, why we cannot ALL prosper? There isn’t one.
Imagine, if we ALL, simply Lived as we wish, followed our Dreams, we would ALL be too busy enjoying Life to be envious, greedy, malicious, selfish, murderous, etc.)! There is NO Good reason, why we cannot. If we simply cease to imprison ourselves, cease allowing others to convince us why we should serve them, at all, and simply return to doing what we already know to be Right!!

Let’s throw Religion in the mix! Tell me of any One of them that does not have a version or form, type if you prefer, of The Golden Rule! Tell me, please, with so many billions of followers of Faiths around the world, each one of them “adhering to the same guiding principle”, it is humanly possible that we “live” in the kind of world we do??? Can anyone explain that to me? Please?
And don’t hide behind the Name by which you call upon Deity/Divine/Higher Power (or even if not at all, for you still bare a moral compass that has the same principle), because it matters not by what Name, or Element, or Universal Instructor/Constructor… really! It doesn’t matter! Are you practicing what you preach? If you were, WE could not POSSIBLY be struggling as WE are to survive!!!! Think about that! If even half of the “Believers” of “XYZ” Religion actually practiced what they preach/”believe”, would it even be possible that we would have even half the issues we humans have!!!??? I say unto you Nay! It would not be possible!
We, each and every one of 7 + billion of us, every single one of us, has the opportunity, in every single moment we are alive, to “Choose the Right!” Are we? Do you? I say unto you, Nay! For if ye were, that Righteousness would sweep across the face of the planet like a tornado against the filth that is “running” this world today!
But we don’t. We are all far too complacent. After all, it is not that evil is stronger, that it prevails, it is only because “Good” people do nothing. Putting them directly in league with those that continue to try to find ways to suppress and control your movement, your speech, the very air we breathe if we keep letting them!
And PLEASE I beg of you, don’t try to inflict your will upon another with violence (And words can be violent too)! There’s no need, it solves nothing, and since there isn’t a single solitary one of us that doesn’t have the exact same basic needs for Growth and Life: Love, Food(Water), and shelter! And in that order, for with the one before it, we can do with a little less of the next. …What possible gain can there be from inflicting violence upon another? There is none!! And just imagine, imagine, what we could accomplish, if we acted for each other’s Benefit, instead of detriment!? what we, the citizens of Planet Earth (Terra), could accomplish, in harmony with the Life that sustains us, and the Planet that provides it!! Act as you “Believe”, “Do unto others, as you would have done to you!”
There is one, and only one reason, ever given, where aggressive acts are condoned against another “sentient” being (…though, there are many “lesser” Life forms that understand the necessity for balance in Life better than we do), and that is in defense of an other, and their Right to Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness. Not even your own, but theirs. In defense of an other than yourself.

And here’s the determining question(s) for if what you are doing is Right or wrong: Will Life and Living, be in some way, better for my doing it? Is what I’m doing benefiting more than myself? Does it/will it benefit in some way, some other living thing upon this, our planet? Is what I am doing, going to express in some way, to some thing other than myself that I care?
If the answer to any of these is yes, then do continue!
If the answer is no, let your conscience be your guide! We, as a “civil” “society”, have learned far too much to claim ignorance of our actions. We know precisely which Master we are serving. There can be only One. Life/Light!!!!! …Or Death/Dark.
It’s time we repent of our campaign(s) of death and destruction! Repent! Repent! And you know what, we don’t even have to get all “pious” about it, leave the pulpit and pews at home, and just go out and do some Good! Tear up some concrete (of your own, and/or with permission) and plant a Garden, volunteer, lend a hand, cook a meal, say “Thank you!”, say “I Love you!”, give a hug, give a smile, a warm greeting, something, anything to uplift or benefit another, and I Promise, Good things will come of it!

There you have It, my Friends, the latest and Greatest post yet! 😀 I’ve done my part. There is much to be done (writing, for me!), and no better time than now to be doing it! LOL I think I may go for a walk as well, take in some fresh air. Enjoy the Beauty of the Sights, Sounds, Smells, Tastes and Feels of the Life that surrounds me… while yet I am able. For we are not promised the next moment. Are you/will you be the One, to share it, to send “These Good Words” to another? By last count, I have a 1/51 of a chance, that someone, somewhere will share this with another, and they to another, and on. If not, I have shared it with those 51 of you, I hope you have enjoyed the Rant. I know I “come on strong”… but I do try to be plain, that I may be easily understood. A more difficult task than I once imagined!
I am human, and have many faults, that I daily endeavour to correct. Some days I am more successful than others, procrastination being one of my biggest pitfalls! LOL
So, until next I post… (I feel some poetry coming on… 🙂 )

Aloha! Namaste! As-Salàmu Àlaykum!

Shalom! Peace! Pax!


I am a Writer and Poet, Construction Worker with a Union, would be Organic Farmer, Son, Brother, Cousin, Friend, and a few others. I would like to add a few more; Husband, father, .... the list will grow! I am currently working on personal growth, publishing my first book, becoming a Journeyman in the Carpenters Union, learning more of Gardening and Green things, and embracing Life as it comes! Life and Love are only as easy as we allow them to be, but are ever present, when we are ready to embrace them! Time is a tricky, devious thing, and Life is never easy. Nor should it be, the challenge is how we grow! While ever developing mentally and Spiritually over the last decade, The "obstacles to progress" are morphing into challenges to be met, and are ever changing. Such is the amazing Wonder that is Life, as we Learn, as we Grow! Too much structure is at the very heart of institutionalization, and not enough is the path to chaos. Learning that balance I believe is a Life-long challenge. One of many, as balance(s) is(are) ever changing too! All the while (and, as we ALL are...), I am, have been, and continue to be, so very Blessed!! Divine Providence, the "Finger of God", or even a reference to "Footprints"; all and more apply! The Energy of Life is all around us! Creating, Energizing, Healing, Invigorating! Life feeds the Energy of Life! Call It/Them how/by/what you will... Their presence and influence in and upon my Life has been amazing, and I could not, and would not, be who or where I am (NONE of us would/could be), without Them! Divine Providence, Creators/Masters of the multi-verse, the Spark of Life, the Energy that Nourishes, Higher Power, whatever/however you so choose to acknowledge our own smallness in the Universe! Without Their Love, Their Guidance, we are lost. We are sick, we are incomplete, when we lack the Faith to Heal and be Whole! I am growing, and Healing, and Learning, and am greatly in need thereof. But I AM growing, and Healing, and Learning! And so the Light "at the end of the tunnel" Shines ever bright! And Day by Day, I struggle, to be better than I was the day before, and to be prepared to be even better tomorrow! Hallelujah! Aloha! Namaste! As-Salàmu Àlaykum! Peace!

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